This is antarctica which has been away from the reach of humans for centuries

This is antartica which has been away from the reach of humans for centuries .This is antartica which has been away from the reach of humans for centuries and has been a great mystery for them. Be it blood waterfalls, mysterious animals, underground lakes, be it cities buried under ice. Some such mysteries about Intaktika which still have no clue.

Could not be installed. Antarctica is the only continent on earth that does not have a population.
Because the temperature here goes up to minus ninety degrees Celsius. Along with this, snow storms also occur here from a distance of 300 kilometers. similar interaction of the world

It is also the driest continent. You will probably be surprised to know that it is so dry that it is also called desert. Because the rainfall here is 51 mm. Despite all this, many countries have been trying to take control of Antarctica for hundreds of years.

Are. We will also see what secrets are hidden behind the ice that the world’s super powers know and that is why they want to take control of Antarctica. Who discovered Antarctica? Who discovered Antarctica, while the Russians say that all

Even thousands of years ago, the region known as Antarctica was already referred to in the writings of the Greek philosopher Aristotle. For he stated that the planet is shaped like a sphere and that both the North Pole and the South Pole are symmetrical. According to one of the Royal Society of New Zealand in 2021.

A study was published in which it was said that the Maori people living on the Polynesian Islands near Ether Australia were probably the first humans who reached Antarctica in the 7th century because in their old stories there is a Barfi who turned his ship back to Maudli because he could not see Antarctica.

It did not come, but icebergs floating in the water were definitely visible and the attitude of the ocean was such that it was very dangerous to take the ship further, that is why James Cock had said that reaching this Southern Continent is so dangerous that rarely anyone would.

After Captain Cock, many more people tried to discover Antarctica.

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